Friday, November 29, 2013

Joseph: Dealing with fear (Matthew 1:18-25)

Joseph would not seek revenge or vindication … Joseph would just dismiss Mary quietly, seeking to spare her the worst of the public humiliation and shame. This is how it is that Matthew’s Gospel can describe Joseph as being “a righteous man” (v.19) – a man who would do the right and generous thing. Despite the hurt and disappointment he felt, he wasn’t going to take Mary down for no good reason. Thus, Joseph, “the righteous man”, was the sort of person who might just be ready to listen to God! Joseph just might be a person ready to listen to God … even when what he was going to hear would be almost impossible to deal with … almost impossible to even believe. And we find Joseph heroically up to the challenge! God speaks to those who are ready to respond!!

Now, this would not have been easy for Joseph, this would’ve taken courage. What Joseph undoubtedly feared the most, was exactly what God was going to ask him to do. In going ahead with his marriage to Mary, Joseph was as good as admitting (even though it wasn’t true) that he was the father of this child. As mentioned earlier, this would mean for Joseph – a lifelong stigma. Would his reputation ever recover? And then those that thought that Joseph could not really have been the father, would have called Joseph a complete idiot for taking the sort of extraordinary action he did. But Joseph rose above all this in the cause of following God’s will.

And all Joseph had heard was the simple yet profound explanation, that this child had been conceived by the Holy Spirit. What a remarkable response … “When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him …” (v.24)! Such was Joseph’s readiness, this was all he needed to hear – “for the child conceived in [Mary] is from the Holy Spirit … She will bear a son, and you are name him Jesus” (v.20-21). Joseph was a man ready to serve God! And in being open and ready like this, he was able to hear and understand that this special child Jesus would save humankind from their sins. Given his availability, Joseph had been chosen for this role, and he didn’t let God down. It was when Joseph heard “do not be afraid”, and then got on top of his fear, that God’s plans went forward.

The fear that Joseph could have suffered from was the fear of what others think. Such a fear could have made Joseph withdraw from his calling and retreat from being involved. Such a fear could have made Joseph neglect Mary’s needs. Such a fear as worrying about what others think, could have completely diverted Joseph from being the person God had made him to be. “Fear” is when the anxieties and feelings of alarm within us stop us doing what we know we should be doing. Fear stops us taking adventurous risks; thus fear tends to disrupt the discovery of all what God has for us in life. For example, if Joseph had let his fear control him, being too worried about what others would think, then Mary, at the very least, would have been left destitute and vulnerable. And, if Joseph had caved in to the sneers of his community, this would have lost Joseph his very important role in history.

But when Joseph heard the “angel of the Lord” say to him, “do not be afraid”, he found the faith within him to comply completely with God’s will. And Joseph went on to adopt and affirm his role as human father to Jesus by giving him his name … “and he named him Jesus” (v.25). There was probably unbelieving whispers around Joseph for the rest of his life, but Joseph knew that he had done the right thing … the God thing! And now with Jesus in his life, for Joseph, there is really nothing left to fear! So, where did all this courage and faith come from?? God spoke … and Joseph listened!! God is speaking to us today, especially when we suffer fear. God speaks to us … how??? Through his Word. When we pray (with openness/receptiveness). In his creation. In our imaginations. In and through other people. In particular events, happenings or circumstances. Are we listening!?!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bringing a Blessing

Another point here is the reference to “not cursing our persecutors”. To “curse” someone would obviously include wishing ill toward them or wanting revenge to be dished out. To “curse” is to speak in a way that destroys the prospects of another person. This is something we cannot do, not even when it is done to us; for Jesus said in Luke 6:28a, “Bless [even] those who curse you”!

We could perhaps take this even further, to say that … a failure to “bless” is itself a “curse”!!! People need to live under blessing, and if they are deprived of this, then they are actually living under a “curse”.

What does it mean then to “bless” someone, or to give them a ‘blessing’???

Ø  Praying for someone?
Ø  Provide some sort of support ministry to someone?
Ø  A word of encouragement (often very powerful in such a critical world)?
Ø  Probably more than this!

Let’s look at a well-known blessing, known as the ‘Aaronic blessing’, for it is the blessing that God gave Moses to give to Aaron to bless the people of Israel with (refer Numbers 6:22-26). These words were to be spoken to and over the people:

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you his peace.

This particular ‘blessing’ involved some very positive vibes. It includes the notion of God’s “keeping” – a guardianship and protection from [the worst effects of] evil and misfortune. It includes God’s positive and light-filled interest in people and an offering of God’s grace (which of course brings with it love, mercy and forgiveness … in the face of weakness and failure). It also includes God’s very presence to people, with gifts of reconciling love, which in turn brings the possibility of living in an experience of peace and well-being. The word translated “peace” is “shalom”, which is more than the absence of hostility, and includes: health, welfare, friendship, justice and salvation. There is the sense here that God can meet all human need. This ‘blessing’ seeks to impart a life that is as ‘full’ as it can be.

Then we read in verse 27, that this blessing that Aaron and his sons will bring to the people, will, “put [God’s] name on the Israelites” – and they are thus claimed as God’s people. These people carry God’s name, and as such, experience God’s personal presence and effectiveness. Now as Israel from the time of Abraham were themselves to be a blessing to all the nations of the earth, we can see how such a blessing as this can also extend to the ends of the earth. As we focus on the last phrase of verse 27, we can see that as this ‘Aaronic blessing’ (or God’s name) is spoken over the people … God blesses them.

So is this the sort of ‘blessing’ we can speak into people lives today?

This is clearly in line with Jesus’ teaching on prayer. This ties right in with the prayer that says, “Your [as in, God’s] Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth, as it [already] is in heaven”. This is seeking the life of God in community, that we call the Trinity, to be more evident in daily life. In seeking to “bless” people, we release something here on earth, as we act in unison with the cry of heaven.

We can speak (or pray) the name of Jesus into the very fabric of the neighbourhood, street or home we seek to place a blessing upon. This can include prayer for the removal of all and any contamination or blockage that would tend to disrupt God’s blessing.

A “blessing” affirms what is already good – what already represents a ‘Kingdom’ value; while presenting a picture of what could be with God involved or if God was released.

Who should be involved in such acts of ‘blessing’??

It is Aaron the priest who is to speak this ‘blessing’ in Numbers 6. “The priest as representative of the people prays to God for these blessings, and as God’s anointed he bespeaks over the people God’s will to bless” (J L Mays). This priestly role of ‘blessing’ the people was to be understood as both a privilege and a responsibility. Who are God’s priests in our Jesus-following New Testament context?? We are, I hear you say!! “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

Part of being a ‘priest’ to a community is to come to identify deeply with this particular locality, being at one with its people, and thus connected with this area’s beauty and needs. Another part of taking a ‘priestly’ role of blessing, is to become as open and as clear a channel as possible – which may require confession and repentance. This might also involve confessing our own role in any community hardship e.g. over-consumption, or even past faithlessness. We may also have to suspend judgment, and deal with any critical tendencies – becoming what Roy Godwin (in “The Grace Outpouring”) calls being “grace first” people. Roy says (page 28), “We’re still asking people to turn away from rebellion against God, but we’re seeking to be part of the revelation from [God] that his primary desire is to bless those he created in his image”.

So it is more likely that we emphasise God’s available love, so that this is fully experienced and appreciated before the question of “sin” is approached. Such a realisation, as the need to change, is often part of a process, as new spiritual eyes and ears are gradually opened. And, God’s Spirit is quite capable of convicting people of the need for repentance, and is far more accurate than we in strategically targeting a particular area of behaviour. ‘Good news’ needs to be initially perceived by people as just that … good news (not as something that seems to be a curse). We should emulate Jesus, who interacted with people via telling stories, asking questions, and also eating with people in their homes (which was certainly, for him, a means of blessing).

Sometimes we will be able to use standard ‘blessings’ as appropriate to certain people and contexts; other times we will need to be heavily reliant on the Holy Spirit to give us more precise and specific words to “bless” a more complicated or delicate situation. Either way, the concept of blessing people and the neighbourhood should become as natural as breathing.

Who or what can we “bless”??

·         the community in general, particular neighbourhoods, certain homes
·         parks, playgrounds, community centres, schools, kindergartens, playgroups, retirement villages
·         hospitals, medical centres, cafes, shopping centres, businesses
·         individuals, teachers, doctors, nurses, medical health workers, community leaders, council, local media
·         people groups, families, community organisations, social & sporting groups
·         waterways, land, nature reserves, animal & birdlife, crops, community gardens

And what difference might such ‘blessings’ make??

(1)    Opening the pathway for people to experience God (and all that can mean)
(2)    A renewed sense of hope
(3)    A softening of hearts and attitudes towards God and towards other people, and a new receptiveness
(4)    Release insights, wisdom, values, spiritual sensitivity, sense of freedom
(5)    Increase possibilities of the healing of brokenness, the alleviation of poverty, reduction in criminality, general encouragement
(6)    Promote healthy relationships, good family functioning, social interaction, neighbourhood care, reconciliation between hostile people groups, enjoyment, serving others
(7)    Better and more caring schools, kindergartens, community centres, retirement villages, hospitals, cafes, shopping centres (& churches)
(8)    Greater employment opportunities; higher levels of volunteering
(9)    More cohesive community functioning and decision-making

How could we speak such blessings – in what forums???

·         Through church gatherings
·         Out in the open – in public places
·         Prayer triplets/groups – for a set period of time each week
·         In specially designated occasions & settings (e.g. openings, house-blessings)
·         Through personally offering a word of blessing
·         In ‘Local Neighbourhood Houses of Prayer’ – speaking a blessing into the local neighbourhood

An example of a Prayer of Blessing:

We stand in the mighty name of Jesus and bless you (insert name);
That you might prosper under the mighty hand of God.
We bless you that right and generous living might take their proper place within your boundaries.
We bless you that the favour of the Lord might rest upon you and give you peace.
We bless you that God’s compassion might fall upon your people.
We bless your poor that they might be lifted up.
We bless you that the knowledge of Jesus might come in amongst you.
We bless the people of God in (insert name),
That they might rise up with servant hearts and become a people of blessing.
We bless you that the joy of the Lord might be your strength. Amen.

{Adapted from a Ffald-y-Brenin prayer used in each of the places where the Olympic torch travelled around the UK in 2012.}

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Benefits of Faith (Isaiah 40:28-31; Romans 5:1-2)

What are the benefits of faith?
What does faith bring of great value and worth??

If we are to be helpful to other people, we have to show that our faith works. We have to be able to share the joy of faith.

Consuming some Scripture might help, so that we can live it and breathe it in a very public and relational way.
They say ‘we are what we eat’! Well then, we should consume Scripture, so that this is what we live and breathe … who we are!!

Let’s start with Isaiah 40:28-31.

·         These verses have the context of people who are living unknowing who God is – “Have you not known … have you not heard”?
·         We then read about the everlasting God who created everything. This would of course include God’s very personal creation of us – suggesting a high level of investment in how this creation turns out! Can God ever lose sight of me? Of anyone?? No!!!
·         Whereas many things remain a mystery to us in this universe and also in the course of our daily lives, it all makes sense to God. Because of this we can rely on God to be working in our best interests … if we allow Him to.
·         And God never tires of his benevolent work – “[God] does not faint or grow weary”.
·         And further, God does not keep His strength simply to himself, but willingly and actively gives it to us (refer verse 29); and we would have to confess to really needing this (refer verse 30). God does not share His strength on a whim nor as an occasional act, but rather as a part of who He is (Motyer). God knows our frailty – we were designed to be in relationship with God … if we are to survive and flourish. God gives His “power” to the one lacking courage, and God gives His strength to the one lacking their own resources.
·         It is those who “wait for the Lord” who will have their strength renewed. What does it mean to “wait” for the Lord?? This is also translated “hope in the Lord” and “trust in the Lord”. There is here a patient expectation that God will provide!! This is the opposite of worry and frantic activity.
·         Those who have “waited” and their strength has been renewed, will be able to “run” through the busy (or exceptionally difficult) times without keeling over, and be able to “walk” with integrity through the normal routine of life without fear. Such strength can be continually renewed … perhaps an implication of this is that we can actually gain greater permanent levels of strength, effectiveness and influence as we continually “wait” on God or draw closer to God. Another idea behind this “renewing” of strength is replacing or ‘exchanging’ our old worn out strength with God’s ever-resilient effectiveness. This also connects well with the idea of God working through us most effectively in our weakness or as we are empty vessels.

Then we can try Romans 5:1-2.

·         In one of the real highpoints of Paul’s letter, we read that the forgiveness that Jesus has brought to us has resulted in the gift of peace with God. In this state of peace with God, we can also experience a peace within ourselves … a peace about ourselves. We don’t have to fight ourselves! Yes, we are far from perfect. Yes, we have a long way to go. But God accepts us, and we, as a result, are changing for the better. Now that surely is something worth celebrating!
·         Indeed … it is through this experience of grace and the peace that results, that we can “boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God”. This is NOT a prideful demonstration of exclusive superiority – FAR FROM IT. This IS a whole of life and whole of character demonstration of the wonder and effectiveness of an ever-loving God!! This is an ever-loving God that works His ways through us toward ‘Kingdom’ objectives.

·         This “boasting” or “rejoicing” comes from a very clear awareness of where we have come from … frailty, lost-ness, need, and then a confidence in what God (and God alone) has brought about in our lives … peace, hope, purpose. Having said this, we can be genuinely pleased and thankful that we are participating (in a growing way) in the life of God. ‘Look, see, what the Lord has done in me’!